Designed for use with the Paraguard Excel Rescue Stretcher this four point lifting harness of sturdy reinforced nylon is designed to aid rescue workers during vertical lifting of stretcher and victim. Particularly useful for high building, mountain and helicopter rescues, this genuine 4-Point Lifting sling comes with 4 sturdy yet lightweight karabiners for quick release but extra security.
Constructed from flame resistant materials this lifting harness for the Paraguard stretcher is impervious to water, grease, oil and other petroleum products and highly resistant to corrosion and rot.
The Paraguard Stretcher has been in use since WWII is approved for use by many authorities including NATO 6530-99-446-9403.
For any helicopter, rope or wench rescue the Paraguard 4-Point Lifting Harness is a must have accessory.
The Paraguard 4-Point Lifting Harness is also commonly know as a Lifting Sling or Vertical Lifting Sling.